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Account Receivable

In traditional and crypto accounting alike, an account receivable refers to the outstanding invoices a company has or the money the company is owed from its clients. In a cryptocurrency context, this could be payments for goods or services rendered that are made via crypto tokens.

Account Receivable in Business Operations

Cash Flow Management and Working Capital

  • Account Receivable plays a crucial role in managing the cash flow of a business. Timely collection of receivables ensures a steady inflow of cash, allowing the company to meet its financial obligations and maintain its operations.
  • It provides working capital to the business, enabling it to fund day-to-day expenses, invest in growth opportunities, and cover any unexpected expenses.

Revenue Recognition and Financial Reporting

  • Account Receivable is directly linked to the revenue recognition process. It represents the sales that have been made but not yet fully realized in terms of cash received.
  • Proper management of Account Receivable ensures accurate financial reporting by recording revenue when it is earned and recognizing any potential bad debts or uncollectible accounts.

Components of Account Receivable

Invoicing Process

  • The invoicing process is crucial for establishing clear payment expectations and facilitating the collection of receivables.
  • It involves generating and sending invoices to customers, including detailed information about the products or services provided, payment terms, and due dates.

Credit Terms and Payment Terms

  • Credit terms refer to the conditions under which credit is extended to customers, such as the maximum credit limit, repayment period, and any applicable interest or penalties for late payments.
  • Payment terms specify the terms and conditions of payment, including the due date, acceptable payment methods, and any applicable discounts for early payment.

Aging Analysis

  • Aging analysis involves categorizing the outstanding receivables based on their age, typically in buckets such as 30 days, 60 days, and 90 days or more.
  • It helps businesses track and monitor the payment behavior of their customers, identify potential collection issues, and prioritize their collection efforts accordingly.


A software development firm that has completed work for a client and is awaiting payment in Ether.


General Accounting
Crypto Accounting
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