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Decentralized Storage

Decentralized Storage is a method of storing data across multiple nodes in a decentralized network rather than in a central location.

Decentralized storage is a method of storing data across multiple nodes or servers in a distributed network rather than in a centralized database or server. This storage model offers a number of advantages over traditional, centralized storage methods, including increased privacy, security, and fault tolerance. In a decentralized storage system, data is broken up into smaller pieces, encrypted, and then spread out across the network, ensuring that no single node has access to the entire file, thereby enhancing data security. In the context of blockchain, decentralized storage can be used to store large amounts of data in a secure and transparent manner. Examples of decentralized storage platforms include IPFS and Filecoin.


An example of a use case for decentralized storage is a decentralized website or application (dApp) that stores its data across a network of computers instead of a centralized server. This can increase resilience against attacks, as there is no single point of failure.

Using Filecoin (FIL) in exchange for storage space on the Filecoin network.

Using Aleph.im to store a database or to run dApps


Blockchain and Technology
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