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Sharding is a scalability solution dividing blockchain data into partitions.

The concept of sharding has its origins in the field of distributed databases and was not invented for blockchain systems. Sharding is a technique used to improve the scalability and performance of large-scale databases by partitioning data into smaller, more manageable subsets called "shards."

In the context of databases, sharding has been used for many years to distribute data across multiple servers, reducing the load on individual servers and allowing for parallel processing of queries. This approach helps databases handle large volumes of data and high query rates more effectively.

When it comes to blockchain technology, sharding has been adapted and applied to improve the scalability of blockchain networks. By dividing the blockchain into smaller shards, each shard can process its transactions independently, which increases the overall throughput of the network and reduces transaction confirmation times. This allows blockchain networks to handle a larger number of transactions per second and improves their ability to scale as the user base grows.

While sharding has been used in databases for decades, its application in the context of blockchain technology is a more recent development, and specific implementations may vary across different blockchain projects.


  1. Zilliqa: Zilliqa is a blockchain platform that has already implemented sharding. It uses a hybrid consensus mechanism that combines PoW and practical Byzantine fault tolerance (pBFT). Sharding in Zilliqa allows for parallel processing of transactions across multiple shards, thereby improving scalability.
  2. Harmony: Harmony is a blockchain platform designed for high throughput and low latency. It uses a sharding approach to divide the network into multiple shards and employs PoS as its consensus mechanism.
  3. Elrond: Elrond is a blockchain platform that also utilizes sharding to achieve high throughput and scalability. It combines sharding with adaptive state sharding and a PoS consensus mechanism.
  4. Near Protocol: Near Protocol is a blockchain platform that uses sharding to achieve scalability, allowing for parallel processing of transactions. It employs a PoS consensus mechanism called "Nightshade" that works in conjunction with sharding.
  5. Polkadot: Polkadot is a multi-chain blockchain platform that aims to connect various blockchains through a relay chain. While not a sharding-specific solution, Polkadot achieves scalability and parallel processing by connecting multiple heterogeneous blockchains using a sharding-like mechanism.
  6. In Ethereum 2.0, sharding is being implemented to increase its transaction processing capacity.


Blockchain and Technology
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